PIC News No. 67

Keep up to date with the latest news edition issued by the Personal Injury Commission

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PIC News No. 67

20 Jun 2024

Keep up to date with the latest news edition issued by the Personal Injury Commission

In this edition you will read about the implementation of Pathway for workers compensation has been a success, and all our tribunal users across workers compensation and motor accidents are now on one single digital platform. This is a tremendous achievement which has been one of the Commission’s highest priorities since establishment. I congratulate the many people who have contributed to the delivery of this important initiative and give my sincere thanks to all our stakeholders who have worked with us throughout the planning and implementation stages.

I would like to remind practitioners of the requirements of Procedural Direction PIC 6 (PD PIC 6) in respect to applications for permanent impairment under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 (the 2017 Act) and how the Commission will be dealing with these applications from 1 July 2024.

I’m also pleased to advise that the Commission has bolstered its resources to help explain our processes to injured people and other tribunal users, with the release of seven videos which will complement the suite of fact sheets published earlier this year.

Finally, last week, I had the pleasure of addressing the Independent Review Office’s Sydney Seminar and spoke on a variety of topics, including Pathway and our new videos. A link to my full speech is below.


Judge Gerard Phillips

Read the full edition of PIC News No. 67
