Edition No.64
This edition was issued on 6 May 2024
In this edition, we cover two important projects, both of which are designed to enhance the efficiency of our operations. It is important that all users are familiar with these significant developments.
The first is the deployment of our new digital platform, Pathway, into the Workers Compensation Division over the King’s Birthday long weekend. This will complete our ambitious digital transformation project which consolidates the Commission’s work onto a single digital platform from four legacy systems.
As readers will recall, we successfully launched Pathway in the Motor Accidents Division in June 2023. While we are confident that the new platform will deliver a better and more secure venue for users, learning how to use it is everyone’s responsibility. Please ensure you take part in the user training we are offering.
The second announcement relates to what is colloquially known as the ‘500-page rule’. The draft rule has now been finalised by the Rule Committee and Parliamentary Counsel and is now available on our website together with a fact sheet and explanatory video. You can find them all here. We anticipate the rule commencing in late 2024 or early 2025.
We will enhance the Pathway platform to make compliance with the rule easy and enable parties to file an application for extra material in a simple user-friendly way. Pleasingly, the introduction of this rule has the active support of our major stakeholders.
I commend both initiatives to all users. They represent the Commission delivering on its strategic plan to make the Commission as user friendly as we can in a modern digital environment. Please keep informed of these developments as they are delivered from June onwards.
I will be in touch with another edition of the Personal Injury Commission News soon.
Judge Gerard Phillips
Pathway to launch for workers compensation users in June
It’s now less than six weeks until Pathway, the Commission’s digital dispute resolution platform, launches for workers compensation users.
Pathway and myPathway for Commission staff and decision makers are scheduled to launch on Tuesday 11 June 2024, followed by the Pathway Portal for tribunal users on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
This marks the culmination of a major program of work since the Commission’s inception to bring all Commission staff, decision makers and parties onto a single digital platform where they can engage online, with enhanced cyber security protections.
It will enable further harmonisation of Commission processes and procedures and provide all users with a similar digital experience when interacting with us.
To help ensure the platform works as intended, it is up to all users to rapidly become competent in its use. We will assist you by rolling out a thorough program of education and training, with reference materials and dedicated support resources also available to provide usage and technical assistance from go-live. We will communicate directly with users about these initiatives soon.
Platform outages for both motor accidents and workers compensation users will be required ahead of the implementation of Pathway for workers compensation, with details to be advised soon.
Digital service of documents and reply requests
The launch of Pathway will allow us to introduce the digital service of documents and reply requests for most workers compensation initiating application form types.
These have been successfully conducted in the Motor Accidents Division since the implementation of Pathway and on the former motor accidents platform since the Commission commenced operation.
To find out more about what users will need to do from launch, please visit our new Pathway page on the Commission’s website at www.pi.nsw.gov.au/pathway.
500-page limit rule published
Draft amendments to the Personal Injury Commission Rules 2021 to introduce a new 500-page limit for documents in support of certain applications and replies have now been published on the Commission’s website but will not commence until late 2024 or early 2025.
The Personal Injury Commission Rule Committee approved the rule amendments last month. They will help the Commission meet its statutory mandate to deal with the real issues in a dispute justly, quickly, cost effectively and with little formality. This rule is also an aspect of the Commission’s approach to cyber security, namely holding such data that is needed and no more.
There will be no limit on material over 500 pages provided the material relates to the real issues in dispute. Parties can make an application to submit additional documents and must show how the additional material relates to the “real issues in the proceedings”.
This will be determined by one of the Commission’s decision makers as designated under the Act, either on the papers or following a short online hearing.
We have conducted extensive engagement with stakeholders on the rule amendments which have received widespread support and will continue to provide information in the lead up to the new rule being implemented.
You can view the resolution and draft rule, a fact sheet and explanatory video on the Commission’s website at www.pi.nsw.gov.au/news/2024/new-500-page-limit-rule-now-available
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